‘Zero to Generative AI’ Guest Session arranged by IEEE CCEW on 25-10-2023

MKSSS’S Cummins College of Engineering for Women, Pune. 



Special guest lecture on “Zero to GA” (Generative AI)

Generative AI, often referred to as GA, is like a digital artist that creates things out of thin air. It’s a technology that allows computers to generate new content, such as text, images, and even music, by learning from existing data. Imagine it as a creative machine that can dream up new ideas and produce original content, opening up exciting possibilities in various fields, from art and entertainment to business and research.

We have the privilege of hosting a special guest lecture on “Zero to GA” (Generative AI) by the renowned AI Coach, Dr. Yogesh Kulkarni.

Dr. Yogesh Kulkarni is a distinguished expert in the field of Artificial Intelligence. He is passionate about assisting individuals and organizations on their AI journeys. He focuses on leveraging the power of Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning,  and Natural Language Processing.

This lecture promises to be a fascinating exploration of Generative AI, making it an invaluable experience for anyone interested in the field of Artificial Intelligence. Whether you are a student, researcher, or professional, this event will provide valuable insights into the world of AI.

In recognition of your participation and to encourage feedback, we will be providing certificates to all attendees. Please be sure to provide your valuable feedback after the session to receive your certificate.
Event Details:
Date: October 25th, Wednesday
Time: 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM
Venue: KB Joshi Auditorium

Registration Link : https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSePfEL32xMeBrikaOuGy09DrBygUENDmtSs1J1Yc17zBrIA6g/viewform?usp=sharing

Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity to expand your knowledge and network with like-minded individuals.
We look forward to your enthusiastic participation for what promises to be a captivating journey into the world of Generative AI.
Best regards,
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