Tech Tesseract-An Intercollege Hackathon by ACM-W CCOEW Chapter and Code Club CCOEW Submission deadline 30-03-24

Greetings form ACM-W CCOEW Chapter and Code Club CCOEW

Tech enthusiasts and budding innovators, the moment you’ve been waiting for is here!
Register for the Tech Tesseract-An Intercollege Hackathon, brought to you by ACM-W ,CCOEW Chapter and Code Club CCOEW.

Tech Tesseract is not just a hackathon; it’s your gateway to dive into exciting projectsshowcase your skills on GitHub, and turbocharge your resume with hands-on experience in innovation and problem-solving. This is your chance to make a real impact in domains that matter.

Competition Structure and Rules

Team Size:1-3 members (All team members in 1 team should be from the same year)

Each team has the opportunity to choose one domain from the provided list and identify a prevalent problem or challenge within that domain.

The task is to formulate an innovative solution to address issues in one of the following areas:

  • Health and Wellness
  • Education
  • Citizen Safety

Registration Link for Teams:

Registration Deadline: 10 March 2024

Winner will be chosen based on the following criteria:

  • Problem Identification
  • Uniqueness and Potential impact of the solution.
  • Feasibility Scalability
  • Execution Presentation

There will be 1 winning team per Year of Study and Domain.
Submission Guidelines:
Each team will have to make a video presentation of Maximum 3.5 minutes.
It should include:

  • Short team intro
  • Domain and Chosen Problem Statement
  • Tech Stack
  • Demo of Project
  • Key features of the project

The video  has to be uploaded on Youtube with access.

Developed solution code has to be uploaded on Github.
Video title should be “Team Name Tech Tesseract 2024”.

Example: “Codewarriors Tech Tesseract 2024”.

Submission Deadline: 30 March 2024

Tech Tesseract is your chance to shine. Register now, embrace the challenge, and let your innovation journey begin!



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