Basic Sciences and Humanities (F.Y. B.Tech)

AboutFacultyBoS CommitteeLaboratory InformationAchievementsResearch/PatentTeaching Pedagogy

Information About The Department

The Basic Sciences and Humanities (BSH) Department provides for the holistic development of FY.B.Tech students. It includes in its curriculum subjects such as – Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Sustainable Engineering, Engineering Graphics and Programming skills. As per the NEP structure, courses like Liberal Learning, Professional Communication, and Indian Knowledge System are also conducted. Students freshly admitted to the B. Tech. courses undergo a Student Induction programme (SIP) before the actual commencement of academics, wherein students are given awareness about the parent Institute of Cummins College i.e. Maharshi Karve Stree Shikshan Samstha (MKSSS). During the Induction programme, students interact with each other as well as the faculty and get familiarized with the college surroundings. They take part in various creative activities, physical exercises and meditation. They also attend talks on Human values, Ek Bharat Shreshth Bharat, Health and Nutrition etc. They are introduced to various college activities like Student Clubs, Professional bodies, Student Chapters, NSS, sports activities and much more. Throughout the academic year, the staff imparts academic guidance, counselling and mentoring. Progress of the students is monitored on a regular basis through attendance and internal examinations. Further, the department creates a strong fundamental base so that the students are ready to take on the core Engineering courses in subsequent years.

Name Dr. Madhuri Purandare
Designation Professor and Head of the Department, Basic Sciences & Humanities
AICTE Unique ID 1-435394571
Qualification M. Sc.(Maths) M. Phil, Ph.D
Experience Teaching: 30 Years
Area of Interest Theory of Relativity, Applied Mathematics
E mail Id
Contact No 020-25311000 Extn. 150
Name Dr. Vikram Sharad Athalye
Designation Associate Professor
AICTE Unique ID 1-435541146
Qualification M.Sc (Phy.), Ph.D
Experience Teaching and Research: 19 Years
Area of Interest i) Nuclear Physics ii) Quantum physics
E mail Id vikram.athalye
Contact No 020-25311000 Extn. 172
Name Dr. Manisha Jail
Designation Associate Professor
AICTE Unique ID 1-435394575
Qualification M. Sc. (Chemistry) B. Ed,  Ph.D
Experience Teaching: 31 Years
Area of Interest Applied Chemistry, Organic Chemistry
E mail Id
Contact No 020-25311000 Extn. 154
Name Prof. Namrata Parag Karandikar
Designation Assistant Professor
AICTE Unique ID 1-435394733
Qualification M.Sc. (Mathematics)
Experience Teaching: 24 Years
Area of Interest Applied Mathematics
E mail Id
Contact No 020-25311000 Extn: 176
Name Prof. Manjiree Kolhatkar
Designation Assistant Professor
AICTE Unique ID 1-435394737
Qualification B.E. Civil
Experience Teaching: 12 Years
Area of Interest Basic Civil and Environmental Engg.
E mail Id
Contact No 020-25311000 Extn. 167
Name Dr. Malini Shashank Bapat
Designation Assistant Professor
AICTE Unique ID 1-435394915
Qualification M.Sc (Chem.) SET, Ph.D
Experience Teaching and Research: 23 Years
Area of Interest Chemistry, Nanomaterial Synthesis
E mail Id
Contact No 020-25311000 Extn. 156
Name Prof. Sangita S. Gambhir
Designation Assistant Professor
AICTE Unique ID 1-435541268
Qualification M. Sc. (Maths), B. Ed., SET, Registered for Ph. D.
Experience Teaching: 21 Years
Area of Interest Mathematics (Computational Mathematics)
E mail Id
Contact No 020-25311000 Extn. 178
Name Prof. Mrunal  Moharir
Designation Assistant Professor
AICTE Unique ID 1-433701049
Qualification B.E.(Electrical),ME (Electrical power systems)
Experience Teaching: 16 Years
Area of Interest Electrical machines, Power systems
E mail Id
Contact No 020-25311000 Extn. 173
Name Prof. Vishal Shankarrao Deore
Designation Assistant Professor
AICTE Unique ID 1-435541264
Qualification M-TECH (Civil Engg.),Registered for Ph. D.
Experience Teaching: 12 Years
Area of Interest Structural analysis and design
E mail Id
Contact No 020-25311000 Extn. 161
Name Prof. Sneha Singh
Designation Assistant Professor
AICTE Unique ID 1-435541372
Qualification  M.E (Construction Management), Registered for Ph. D.
Experience Teaching: 13 Years
Area of Interest Environmental Engg, Sustainability
E mail Id
Contact No. 020-25311000 Extn. 164
Name Prof. Deepali Kumawat
Designation Assistant Professor
AICTE Unique ID 1-1526290567
Qualification B.E. (Civil) M.Tech (Town & Country Planning)
Experience Teaching: 7 years  Industrial: 2 years
Area of Interest Town and Country Planning
E mail Id
Contact No. 020-25311000 Extn.159
Name Prof. Tilottama Sujit Barhate
Designation Assistant Professor
AICTE Unique ID 1-3713806312
Qualification M.Sc.(Maths), NET
Experience Teaching: 13 years Industrial: 1 years
Area of Interest Mathematics (Operations Research)
E mail Id
Contact No. 020-25311000 Extn.157
Name Ms. Jyoti Chitale
Designation Librarian
AICTE Unique ID 1-470535381
Qualification M.Lib.I.Sc., SET
Experience 20 years
Area of Interest Library Science
E mail Id
Contact No. 020-25311000 Extn.141
Name Prof. Anjushree Augustine
Designation Director of Physical Education
AICTE Unique ID 1-2899435074
Qualification M.Ed. (Physical Edu.), SET
Experience 11 years
Area of Interest Sports and Physical Education
E mail Id
Contact No. 020-25311000 Extn.133
Name Prof. Pradnya Nanavare
Designation Assistant Professor
AICTE Unique ID 1-3713807025
Qualification M.Sc.(Maths), SET
Experience Teaching: 6 years
Area of Interest Linear Algebra
E mail Id
Contact No. 020-25311000 Extn.158
Name Prof. Seema Shah
Designation Assistant Professor
AICTE Unique ID 1-4731639968
Qualification MMS, MCM (Management)
Experience Teaching: 16 years Industry: 5 years
Area of Interest Soft Skills
E mail Id
Contact No. 020-25311000 Extn.165
Name Dr. Shruthi S. Nair
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualification M.Sc., Ph.D
Experience Teaching: 3 yrs
Area of Interest Perovskite photovoltaics, Density Functional theory
E mail Id
Contact No. 020-25311000 Ext 170
Name Dr. Ekata H.Ghate
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualification M.Sc., M.Phil, P.hD
Experience Experience: 19 yrs
Area of Interest Bio photonics
E mail Id
Contact No. 020-25311000 Ext 177
Name Dr.Shailesh Kewaldas Dhoke
Designation Assistant Professor
AICTE Unique ID 1-10639845921
Qualification M.Sc, M.Tech, Ph.D
Experience Teaching, Research and Industry : 14 Years
Area of Interest Nanomaterials, Composites and Corrosion Studies
E mail Id
Contact No. 020-25311000 Ext 155
Name Mr. Sham Shivaji Lohar
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualification M. Tech. (Civil & Water Management)
Experience Teaching, Research and Industry : 10 Years
Area of Interest Water Resource Engineering
E mail Id
Contact No. 020-25311000 Ext 153

Members of Board of Studies Basic Science and Humanities Department

Sr. No. Designations-BoS Name
1. Chairman Dr.Madhuri Purandare
Professor, HoD, Basic Sciences and Humanities, CCOEW, Pune.
 2. Subject expert in Mathematics Dr. Arunkumar R. Patil
Associate Professor, Head of Mathematics Department,
S.G.G.S. Institute of Engineering and Technology.
3. Subject expert in Physics Dr. Suhita Nadkarni
Associate Professor, IISER, Pune.
4. Subject expert in Chemistry Dr. Manisha Khaladkar
Associate Professor, Govt. College of Engineering, Yavatmal.
 5. Subject expert nominated by V. C., SPPU Dr. Sunita Salunkhe
Professor, Department of Chemistry, SPPU, Pune.
 6. Professional expert from industry Ms. Madhavi Lahiri
Proprietor,Technomech, Pune.
7. Alumna member Dr. Leelavati Narlikar
Associate Professor, IISER, Pune.
8. Faculty representative Prof. Dr. Vikram Athalye CCOEW, Pune.
Prof. Dr. Manisha Jail CCOEW, Pune.
Prof. Namrata Karandikar CCOEW, Pune.
Prof. Dr. Malini Bapat CCOEW, Pune.
Prof. Tilottama Barhate CCOEW, Pune.
9. Member secretary Sangita Gambhir
Assistant Professor, CCOEW, Pune.
Board of Studies of Electrical Engineering June 2022
Sr. No. Designations-BoS Name
1. Chairman Prof. Mrunal Moharir
Assistant professor, Electrical Engineering CCOEW, Pune
 2. Subject expert Dr. M. S. Panse
Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, V.J.T.I. Mumbai.
3. Subject expert Dr. D. C. More
Associate Professor, Electrical Engineering, Walchand College of Engg.Sangli
4. Subject expert nominated by V. C., SPPU Dr. Manoj Tarambale
I/C Principal and Associate Professor, Electrical engineering, PVG COET and GKPIOM, Pune
5. Professional expert from industry Mr. Manoj Badve
Sr. Manager, Plant engineering, Tata Motors, Pune.
6. Alumna member Neha Girme Supekar
Bi-Embedly Technologies LLP
7. Faculty representative Prof. Milly Thomas
Assistant professor, Electrical Engineering, CCOEW, Pune.
8. Member secretary Prof. Manjusha Bhosale
Assistant professor, Electrical Engineering, CCOEW, Pune.

Board of Studies of Civil Engineering June 2022

Sr. No. Designations-BoS Name
1. Chairman Mr. Vishal Deore.
Assistant Professor , Civil Engineering, CCOEW,Pune.
 2. Subject expert Dr. Madhav B. Kumthekar
Former Principal- Govt College of Engg, Nagpur.
3. Subject expert Dr. Nivedita Gogate
Professor in Civil Engg. – MIT World Peace University, Pune.
4. Subject expert nominated by V. C., SPPU Dr. Rahul Karale
TSSM’s Bhivarabai Sawant College of Engineering & research, Pune.
5. Professional expert from industry Ms. Pragati Singh
Project Manager at Xenolith Geoservices, Pune
6. Alumna member Ms. Amita Deshpande
Founder of reChakra: The Ecosocial Tribe 8.
7. Faculty representative Ms. Manjiree Kolhatkar
Assistant Professor in Civil Engineering, CCOEW, Pune.
8. Faculty representative Mrs.Sneha Singh
Assistant Professor in Civil Engineering, CCOEW, Pune.
9. Member secretary Ms. Deepali Kumawat
Assistant Professor, Civil Engineering,CCOEW, Pune.


Basic Sciences and Humanities– Laboratory Summary

Click here to see BSH Laboratory Summary

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