Computer Engineering

AboutFacultyBoS CommitteeLaboratory InformationAchievementsResearch ContributionsNewsletterTeaching and LearningPlacementsIndustry InteractionExpert Session


To equip women with excellent education in Computer Engineering, enabling them to play significant leadership roles in technology and society.

Mission Statements

  1. Impart excellent education, necessary skills, training and experimentation capabilities in the field of computer science and engineering.
  2. Create a vibrant and an intellectually stimulating environment for students to promote innovative and multidisciplinary real world problem solving.
  3. Develop women professionals and imbibe work ethics and leadership skills in them, thereby helping them pursue successful career and contribute to science and technology.
  4. Collaborate with industry and other universities to help create competent computer professionals.
  5. Strive to fulfill the expectations of all relevant stakeholders.

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

  1. To prepare students for academic competence, to be employed as computer professionals, for industry, higher studies, research, entrepreneurship and to significantly contribute to the society at large.
  2. To develop students’ fundamental knowledge related to mathematics, science, computer science, computer engineering and to make them capable of providing solutions to challenging problems and multidisciplinary problems.
  3. To enrich students with soft skills, leadership skills, professional skills and work ethics to make them good computer professionals and role models for future generations.
  4. To prepare students capable of self-learning, to have the ability to adapt to changes and to possess the ability to understand the impact of engineering on society and humankind.

Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)

  1. Graduates capable of working in various domains, solving problems by applying knowledge and skills from Software Development, Networking, Databases, Internet of Things, and Embedded systems.
  2. Graduates capable of developing, maintaining software services, software products and embedded systems by applying the entire software development life cycle.
About the department

Cummins College of Engineering was established in 1991 under the umbrella of “Maharshi Karve Stree Shikshan Samstha, Pune”. The department was accredited by National Board of Accreditation (NBA) in the years 1998, 2002, 2006, 2012 and 2022.

The department of Computer Engineering started in 1991 with an intake of 60 students. The first undergraduate batch rolled out in the year 1995. The intake capacity was subsequently increased from 60 to 90 in the year 2001 – 2002 and from 90 to 120 from the year 2002 – 2003. The second shift for the computer department started from the academic year 2010 with an intake capacity of 60.

The department started the post graduation program, M. Tech in Computer Engineering in the year 2024-25 with an intake of 12.

The department is known for its excellent results and placements with average package increasing every year. Our Students occupy the best positions in both academia and industry world over. Graduates from the department are heavily recruited by the leading IT companies. Our students are also selected in the top ranked Universities world over for their Post Graduate and Doctorate courses. The department continues to enjoy strong interaction and support from our beloved alumni.

The department has young and enthusiastic faculty members who provide expertise in their areas of interests which are major areas in the field of computer science and engineering. Currently the department has 34 teaching faculty members under the constructive leadership of Dr. Sunita Jahirabadkar.

The institute has adopted progressive autonomy since 2016. The first batch under autonomy passed out in the year 2020. With autonomy, the department has been able to bring in a lot of best practices and useful additions in the best interest of the students. These changes include the provision for full time internships, open electives, new courses following latest global trends and lots of hands on experience. In addition, self expression courses, inputs for interviews, communication skills etc. are also provided to help in the all round development of the students.

The department continuously tries to improve the programme structure with the view of keeping our graduates competitive in the job market. The program structure is revised after considering the suggestions given by the members of the board of studies and the feedback collected from the stakeholders like employers, alumni, parents, industry experts and students.   The faculty members continuously  strive for delivering the courses in the most effective manner by adopting  suitable pedagogy practices.

The department encourages the students to join the student chapters like CSI and ACMW and student clubs like  technical and non–technical student clubs like Kalawant Club, Code Club, Astronomy Club, Mozilla Campus Club, MusicClub, TechBuzz Club, Google Student Club, Artificial Intelligence and Computer Vision Society(AICVS),  Cummins Debate Club, Loop, TEDx CCOEW and the other clubs in the college.

The student chapters and student clubs organize various expert sessions, panel discussions, workshops and webinars for the students. This keeps the students abreast with the new technologies and tools. They get an opportunity to interact with industry experts. Coding competitions organized under these chapters help the students to improve their management skills, team building skills and communication skills. Students get an experience of managing activities end to end. In this way, the department provides a multitude of avenues for the students in order to prepare them for their future endeavors in industry or academia.

The department provides a platform for faculty and students to have meaningful and significant interactions and inputs from industry experts as well as experts from academia. Over the years, we were fortunate to have inspiring interactions with eminent personalities such as Dr. Vijay Bhatkar, Dr. Raghunath Mashelkar, Dr. Jayant Naralikar, Dr. P. C. Sejwalkar, Dr. D.B. Phatak, Dr. S. B. Mujumdar, Dr. P.K. Sinha, Dr. Uday Khedkar,  Mr. Ravi Pandit, Mr. Anand Deshpande, Dr. V. M. Patnaik and many more. Department has close association with Persistent Systems Ltd., Veritas Technologies, Vodafone, IBM, Citi, and also with IIT Powai.

The department has facilities and infrastructures to support students for experiments, hands-on projects and exploration in various  domains like IOT, data science, embedded systems, networking etc. The final year students can use the dedicated Project facility having high end desktops for their final year project work. The department has a blade server which is used for intranet applications.

The Department laboratories possess more than 400 high end PCS with necessary licensed operating system, software and network printers. All the labs are well equipped with sufficient power backup. All the 10 laboratories have internet facility from the 1Gbps dedicated line.

The college library has a very good collection of academic and general information books and subscriptions for journals on the topics related to the study of Computer Engineering. In addition, the department has a separate departmental library consisting of previous seminar reports, Project Reports and various manuals to make the study material readily available for the students.

The combination of all of these elements makes the Computer Engineering Department the first choice of the freshers.

Name Dr. Mrs. Sunita Jahirabadkar
Designation Professor & Head of Department
Qualification Ph.D. (Computer Engineering)
Experience Teaching: 26 Years Industry: 3 Years
Area of Interest Artificial Intelligence, Data Analytics, Machine Learning, IPR
E mail Id
Contact No. 020-25311300
Name Dr. Mrs. Sandhya Arora
Designation Professor (Computer Engineering)
Qualification PhD (Computer Engineering)
Experience Teaching:27 yrs
Area of Interest Soft Computing, Online Learning, Intelligent Tutoring System, Pattern Recognition, Image processing, Data analytics, Machine learning, Deep learning
E mail Id
Contact No. 020-25311326
Name Dr. Mrs. Supriya Milind Kelkar
Designation Associate Professor & Dean International Relations
Qualification Ph. D.
Experience Teaching: 28 Years Industry: 3 Year
Area of Interest IoT, Trust management systems, Machine Learning, Automative Networks
E mail Id
Contact No. 020-25311253
Name Dr. Shilpa Deshpande
Designation Associate Professor
Qualification Ph. D. Computer Engg
Experience Teaching: 27 Years
Area of Interest Cloud Computing, Software Engineering, Software Design and Architecture, Cyber Security
E mail Id
Contact No. 020-25311304
Name Dr.Mrs. Chhaya Gosavi
Designation Associate Professor
Qualification Ph.D. Computer
Experience Teaching: 25 Years
Area of Interest Multimedia, Compilers, Machine Learning
E mail Id
Contact No. 020-25311313
Name Mr. Hitendra Khairnar
Designation Assistant Professor, Dean Quality Assurance
Qualification M.E. (Computer Engineering)
Experience Teaching: 25 Years
Area of Interest Algorithms, Machine Learning, Data Analytics
E mail Id
Contact No. 020-25311162
Name Dr. Anjali Naik
Designation Assistant Professor  & Associate Dean Examination
Qualification Ph.D (Computer Science)
Experience Teaching: 31 Years
Area of Interest Artificial Intelligence, Medical Image processing, Deep Learning
E mail Id
Contact No. 020-25311310
Name Mr. Saurabh Mengale
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualification B.E. Computer Engg.
Experience Teaching: 25 Years Industrial: 3 Year
Area of Interest Computer Networks, Security, High Performance Computing
E mail Id
Contact No. 020-25311315
Name Mrs. Rakhi Dongaonkar
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualification M. E. [CSE-IT]
Experience Teaching: 23 Years
Area of Interest Data Bases, Data Mining and Data Warehousing, Object Oriented Programming
E mail Id
Contact No. 020-25311320
Name Dr. Madhuri P. Tasgaonkar
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualification Ph.D (E&Tc)
Experience Teaching: 26 Years
Area of Interest Biomedical, Image processing and analysis, Machine Learning, Pattern Recognition, Data Science
E mail Id
Contact No. 020-25311314
Name Mrs. Aparna Hajare
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualification M.E. (Computer Network)
Experience Teaching: 20 Years
Area of Interest Blockchain Technology, Devops, Machine Learning, Cloud Computing, Operating System,Computer Networks, Algorithms,Theory of Computation.
E mail Id
Contact No. 020-25311310
Name Dr. Neeta Maitre
Designation Assistant Professor & Associate Dean (Student Affairs)
Qualification Ph.D. (Computer Science & Technology), MBA (HR)
Experience Teaching: 22 Years
Area of Interest Databases, Bioinformatics, Management
E mail Id
Contact No. 020-25311325
Name Mrs. Meenal Kamlakar
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualification M.E. Computer Engg.
Experience Teaching: 19 Years Industrial: 7 Months
Area of Interest Soft skills, software Engineering, multimedia, Computer networks, Biomedical
E mail Id
Contact No. 020-25311320
Name Mrs. Nutan Deshmukh
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualification M.E. Computer Engineering, Pursuing PhD in Computer Engineering
Experience Teaching:20 Years
Area of Interest Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Microprocessors & Microcontrollers, Embedded Systems
E mail Id
Contact No. 020-25311324
Name Mrs. Sakshi Mandke
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualification M.E. Computer Engg.
Experience Teaching: 17 Years
Area of Interest High Performance computing, Data structures, Big Data and Analytics, Digital marketing
E mail Id
Contact No. 020-25311306
Name Mrs. Pranjali Deshpande
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualification M. E. (Computer Engineering), pursuing Ph. D. in Computer and Information Technology
Experience Teaching: 20 Years
Area of Interest Natural Language Processing, Generative AI, High Performance Computing, Digital Marketing
E mail Id
Contact No. 020-25311314
Name Mrs. Varsha Pimprale
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualification M.E.(Computer Networks), Pursuing PhD in Computer Engineering
Experience Teaching: 19 Years
Area of Interest Machine Learning, Operating systems, Artificial Intelligence, Object Oriented Programming Languages
E mail Id
Contact No. 020 25311324
Name Dr. Shital Barekar
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualification Ph. D
Experience Teaching: 20 Years Industry: 1 year
Area of Interest VLSI, Embedded Systems
E mail Id
Contact No. 020-25311309
Name Mr. Prakash Date
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualification M.E. Computer Engineering
Experience Teaching: 15 Years
Area of Interest Data structures, Computer Organization, Machine Learning, Database Management Systems
E mail Id
Contact No. 020-25311315
Name Mrs. Shilpa Pant
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualification ME (Computer), Pursuing PhD
Experience Teaching: 17 Years
Area of Interest IOT, NLP, Database management, Digital Electronics
E mail Id
Contact No. 020-25311313
Name Dr. Sushila Shelke
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualification PhD Computer Engineering
Experience Teaching: 14 year  Industry:2 years
Area of Interest Social Network Analysis, Data Mining
E mail Id
Contact No. 020-25311327
Name Mrs. Vaishali M. Salgar
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualification M. E. Computer
Experience 15 years
Area of Interest Image Processing,Block Chain,Machine learning, Digital signal processing, Computer Graphics, Operating systems, Programming Laguages (MatLab,OPenCV,C,C++)
E mail Id
Contact No. 020-25311313
Name Mrs. Rita S. Shelke
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualification M.Tech (Computer), Pursuing PhD
Experience Teaching:  17 Years Industry: 1Year
Area of Interest Data base Management systems, Computer networks, Data Communication and Wireless Sensor Networks, ICS, ML
E mail Id rita.shelke@
Contact No. 020-25311327
Name Mrs Nilofer Shrenik Kittad
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualification M.Tech (Comp/IT)
Experience Teaching: 14Years
Area of Interest OOMD, Software Engg, Operating Systems,Databases,Software Testing, HCI
E mail Id nilofer.attar@
Contact No. 020-25311327
Name Dr. Mahendra Prabhakar Deore
Designation Assistant Professor, Associate Dean Examination
Qualification Ph.D (CSE)
Experience Teaching:  16 Years
Area of Interest Security, Machine Learning, Computer Networks
E mail Id mahendra.deore@
Contact No. 020-25311121
Name Ms.  Gitanjali Salunke
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualification M.Tech (CSE)
Experience Teaching:  15 Years
Area of Interest Databases, TOC, Data Analytics, Data Structures
E mail Id
Contact No. 020 25311314
Name Mrs. Jyoti L. Bangare
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualification ME (Computer), Pursuing PhD
Experience Teaching: 13 Years
Area of Interest Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things (IoT), Data Analytics, Federated Learning
E mail Id
Contact No. 020 25311327
Name Mrs. Sulakshana Nagpurkar
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualification ME (Computer)
Experience Teaching- 6 Years
Area of Interest Software Engineering,Software Testing,Operating Systems, Cloud Computing
E mail Id
Contact No. 020-25311332
Name Mrs. Jyoti Aniket Kengale
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualification ME(Computer Engineering)
Experience Teaching: 11 Years
Area of Interest Machine Learning, Object Oriented Programming, IoT, TOC
E mail Id
Contact No. 020-25311311
Name Mrs. Sarika Neeraj Joglekar
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualification ME(Computer Engineering)
Experience Teaching: 11 years
Area of Interest Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, Software Engineering, Cloud Computing, Engineering Ethics
E mail Id
Contact No. 020-25311305
Name Mrs. Priya Deokar
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualification M. E. (Computer Engineering)
Experience Teaching: 9 Yrs Industry: 7 Yrs
Area of Interest Artificial Intelligence, Cyber Security
E mail Id
Contact No. 020-25311306
Name Mrs. Ashwini S. Rajurkar
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualification Ph.D(CSE),M.E.(CSE)
Experience Teaching: 13 Years
Area of Interest Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, IoT
E mail Id
Contact No. 020-25311315
Name Ms. Paurnima Kawale
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualification Mtech(CSE), Pursuing PhD
Experience Teaching: 3 Yrs
Area of Interest Cloud Computing, Operating System, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Data Structures, Java FullStack, Microprocessor, DevOps
E mail Id
Contact No. 020-25311315
Name Sanjivani Umesh Mane
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualification M.E.(Information Technology)
Experience Teaching: 6 Yr Industry: 1.4 Yr
Area of Interest Machine Learning, Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, Cloud Computing, Android
E mail Id
Contact No. 020-25311310

Members of Board of Studies Computer Engineering

Sr. No. Composition Member Name
1 Head of the Department (Chairman) Dr. Sunita Jahirabadkar
2 The entire faculty of each Specialization All Faculty Members
3 Experts in the subject from outside the college to be nominated by the Academic Council Dr. Vrushali Kulkarni
4 Dr. Suhas Patil
5 Post Graduate meritorious Alumnus Nominated by Principal Ms. Nandini De
6 Expert Nominated by Vice-Chancellor, SPPU. Dr. Nuzhat Shaikh
7 Representative From Industry Related to Placements Mr. Ajay Divekar
8 Experts from outside college/ co-opt/ Invitee Member Dr. Manasi Patwardhan
9 Dr. Uday Khedkar
10 Dr. Navin Kabra
11 Dr. Abhijat Vichare
12 Secretary Mrs. Aparna Hajare

Laboratory Summary

The Department has 11 well equipped and well maintained laboratories which possess more than 402 high end PCS. Each lab has licensed software’s necessary to conduct corresponding courses in that laboratory. The laboratories are maintained by third party for hardware maintenance. All the laboratories are well protected with centralized UPS or with individual UPS support in their laboratories.

The internet facility available for students has 1 Gbps and 30 Mbps dedicated line where they can surf the internet to gather unlimited information and increase their knowledge. The final year students are provided with  required resources having high end desktops for their final year project.

Students may work on different configurations varying from Fedora, Windows 07 etc. to fulfill their needs of the project. All these laboratories are well equipped with network printers.

Laboratory Details

Sr. No. Laboratory Name Lab In-charge
1 Software Laboratory – I Ms. Vrushali Shinde
2 Software Laboratory – II Mrs. Sulakshana Nagpurkar
3 Software Laboratory – III Ms. Namita Tandale
4 Software Laboratory – IV Mr. Ravikiran Holkar
5 Software Laboratory – V Mr. Harshad Mhasawade
6 Software Laboratory – VI Mrs. Sulakshana Nagpurkar
7 Software Laboratory – VII Mrs. Namita Tandale
8 Software Laboratory – VIII Ms. Deepali Nagrale
9 Software Laboratory – IX Mrs. Jyoti Langhi
10 Software Laboratory – X Mrs. Jyoti Langhi
11 Project Facility Mr. Harshad Mhasawade

1. Software Laboratory-I

Hardware Configuration: Processor: INTEL CORE i3-4150@3.5 GHz*, Motherboard-Asus IntelB85 Chipset, RAM—16 GB, HDD-500GB, DVD/CD ROM-M-disc L.G.Super-multi. Monitor Specification: 18.5” inches LED (30 MACHINES) Printers : 01 Canon Network Printer

Software Installed: Windows 7, Ms Office 7, Eclipse, Fedora 20 , CUDA

Utilization of Laboratory – Third Year and Final Year Computer Engineering students.

Courses Conducted in Semester -I Courses Conducted in Semester -II
Internet of Things (IoT)

(Final Year BTech)

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning


2. Software Laboratory-II

Hardware Configuration: 34 computers with configuration CPU INTEL i3- 2120, 3.30GHZ, M/B-DH61WW, 8GB RAM, 500 GB HDD, CD/DVD ROM-Lg, Network Printer-Hp Laserjet p2055dn

Software Installed : OS – LINUX [Fedora 20],OS – Windows 7, Eclipse, Python, packet tracer, Java

Utilization of Laboratory – Second Year and Third Year Computer Engineering students.

Courses Conducted in Semester -I Courses Conducted in Semester -II
Digital Electronics Laboratory


Communication Skills

(S.Y.BTech and T.Y.BTech)

3. Software Laboratory-III

Hardware Configuration: Number of Machines :35, Network Printer: 01, Motherboard: HP 280 Pro G8 Microtower PC24J29AV, CPU Processor:Intel Core i7 11700 CPU@2.50GHz 16MB 8 cores, RAM: 16 GB, Hard disk: 1TB  Monitor Specification:- 5RD66A7 HP P204v 19.5 inch

Software Installed: Windows 11, Ubuntu 16, MySql, MongoDB, Eclipse

Utilization of Laboratory: Second year and Third year Computer Engineering students

Courses Conducted in Semester -I Courses Conducted in Semester -II
Database Management System Laboratory-(T.Y.BTech) Database Management System Laboratory-(S.Y.BTech)

4. Software Laboratory-IV

Hardware Configuration: 30 computers with configuration as Intel Core i7 3.4GHz, Motherboard-DB 75 EN-55,DDR3 8GB RAM, 1TB HDD, IBM server, Printers : 1 Canon Network Laser Printer.

Software Installed : Fedora-20 and Ubuntu, MongoDB, MySQL, Apache Tomcat, JDK 1.6, Eclipse, Kali Linux and so on.

Utilization of Laboratory – Third Year and Final Year Computer Engineering students

Courses Conducted in Semester -I Courses Conducted in Semester -II
Programming Skills Development Laboratory (T.Y.BTech) Network Information System Laboratory

(Final Year BTech)

5. Software Laboratory-V

Hardware Configuration: 35 computers with configuration as Intel i5 core 3.0 GHz, ASUS-M110MCS, 8GB RAM, 1TB HDD, Printer:1 Canon Network Laser Printer, UPS – 3 3KVA, 8 Port Network Switch: 8, Webcam-2, Raspberry Pi Kit-5, Projector

Software Installed: Fedora 27, Eclipse, C++, java, python

Utilization of Laboratory: Third year Computer Engineering students

Courses Conducted in Semester -I Courses Conducted in Semester -II
Computer Network Laboratory


Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning


6. Software Laboratory-VI

Hardware ConfigurationProcessor : 322M3AV Intel Core i5-11500 2.70G 12 MB 6 cores, Motherboard : HP 280 Pro G8 Microtower, RAM – 8GB, HDD-1TB.  Monitor Specification: 5RD66A7 HP P204v 19.5 “, 01 Canon Network Printer.

Software Installed : Windows 11, Eclipse

Utilization of Laboratory – Second Year Computer Engineering students

Courses Conducted in Semester -I Courses Conducted in Semester -II
Data Structure and Algorithms-I


Machine Learning Laboratory


7. Software Laboratory-VII

Hardware Configuration: 30 computers with configuration CPU INTEL i5-6400 @2.70 Ghz, M/B- ASUS Z170P, DDR4 8GB RAM,HDD- SATA 1 TB, CD/DVD ROM-Lg, Embedded kits, One Network Printer-Hp Laserjet pro 400 M401dn and all machines on centralized UPS

Software Installed : OS – LINUX [Fedora 27] ,Eclipse, Hadoop,KVM, Docker.

Utilization of Laboratory – Second Year and Third Year Computer Engineering students.

Courses Conducted in Semester -I Courses Conducted in Semester -II
Program Elective -I


Database management system Laboratory


8. Software Laboratory -VIII

Hardware Configuration: Intel Core i3-4150@3.5 Ghz, Motherboard – Asus Intel B85 Chipset, RAM

16GB, HDD- 500GB, DVD/CD ROM – M-disc, Monitor – 19 inches LED

Software Installed: Linux Fedora 27 , Eclipse, Android Studio 3.5, Java, Python

Utilization of Laboratory: Second Year and Third Year Computer Engineering students.

Courses Conducted in Semester -I Courses Conducted in Semester -II
Program Skill Development Laboratory


 Machine Learning Laboratory


9.Software Laboratory-IX

Hardware Configuration : 33 Machines with configuration: Ci 5 7th Generation Processor, Motherboard-ASUS H110 M-CS, Cabinet I-BALL with SMPS,  RAM 8 GB DDR4, HDD 1 TB SEAGATE, TFT 18.5’’ LG, 8086 kits and all interfacing kits, One Network Printer-Hp Laserjet pro 400 M401dn and all machines on UPS.

Software Installed :Fedora 26 , Ubuntu 18, Eclipse, NASM, DDD debugger, Minicom

Utilization of Laboratory : Second Year and Third Year Computer Engineering students

Courses Conducted in Semester -I Courses Conducted in Semester -II
Principles of Programming Skills Development -I Laboratory (S.Y. B.Tech) Program Elective – III

(T.Y.B. Tech)

10.Software Laboratory-X

Hardware Configuration: 35 machines with configuration: INTEL core i5 4th generation, 3.10 Ghz, 4GB RAM, 500GB HDD, INTEL DH87RL MBD, Network Printer: 1 No. (HP Laserjet PRO M401dn), UPS: 3 Nos. (3KVA)

Software Installed: Fedora 20/21/27, Ubuntu 14.04, OpenCV, Qtcreator, KALI linux, Eclipse(JAVA, Python)

Utilization of Laboratory: Second year student of Computer Engineering students.

Courses Conducted in Semester -I Courses Conducted in Semester -II
Principles of Programming Skills Development -I Laboratory (S.Y.B.Tech) Operating system laboratory (S.Y.B.Tech)

11. Project Facility Laboratory

Hardware Configuration: Processor : INTEL CORE i3- 6th Generation, Motherboard–170 Chipset, RAM—8GB, HDD-1TB, DVD/CD ROM-M-disc L.G.Super-multi. Monitor Specification: 18.5” inches LED (20 MACHINES)

Software Installed: Fedora 27 , Eclipse, Android Studio 3.5, Java, Python

Utilization of Laboratory – Final Year Computer Engineering students

Courses Conducted in Semester -I Courses Conducted in Semester -II
Project work (Final Year) Project work (Final Year)


We receive a competitive intake as per the rules and regulations given by AICTE. The diploma students who have secured first class can apply for direct second year admissions. We follow persistently monitored and assessed teaching learning processes and this has led us to consistently good results. We have managed 100% result in all most all subjects in final year and the marks obtained by the students are continually improving.

Consistently good academic results have taken us to highly encouraging Placement situation. More than 85% students from the department get placed through campus placements with average package increasing every year . Many of our students are keen in continuing their higher studies and secure admissions in esteemed institutions in India and abroad.

The students here are not only confined to academics but they participate and enjoy many co-curricular and extra-curricular activities. They have made us proud by winning many international, national, state and intercollegiate level events. From last three years 842 students  of the Computer Engineering Department have participated in various Co-Curricular events and 211 students  participated in various Extra-Curricular events.

Students participate  in various Co-Curricular events such as project competitions, paper presentations, publications, Workshops, Seminars, Coding/Programming competitions, Quizzes, etc. held at state level, national level and international level throughout the academic year. Students have received national and international scholarships under Avery Dennison, Goldman Sachs,Udacity Scholarship Program, Lila Poonawalla Foundation etc. Students have also participated and won prizes in Paper Presentation in various international and national conferences.

Students also  participate in various extracurricular activities like Sports, Cultural, art exhibition. Students have won various prizes in prestigious events like Purushottam karandak,Athletics Championship, Zest,Summit sports events etc.

Student Achievements

Student Achievements-Co-curricular Activities (3 years)

Student Achievements-Extracurricular Activities (3 years)

Staff Achievements
Faculty Achievements (5 years)

Faculty as Resource Person (5 years)

Faculty attended, Seminar, FDPs (5 years)


Our departmental newsletter “Echo” facilitates our students and faculty members to publish their achievements and efforts. It provides a motivation to the juniors and classmates to “see and follow” the steps on the success path taken by their seniors. This also gives a reason to be proud of their classmates, seniors and faculty members.

“Echo” resembles the in house media echoing departmental activities in the form of bi annual newsletter. It reflects the success stories of our students and the faculty members. It is circulated to all students and faculty members containing information including placements, sport events, paper presentations, conferences etc. It also highlights the top- notch rankers in University and other competitive examinations.

Hereby Computer Department presents this “ECHO” for your reference

Echo-Issue 31- June 2024

Echo-Issue 30- December 2023

Echo-Issue 29- June 2023

Echo-Issue 28- December 2022

Echo-Issue 27 – June 2022

Echo-Issue 26 – December 2021

Echo-Issue 25 – August 2021

Echo-Issue 24 – December 2020

Echo-Issue 23 – May 2020

Echo-Issue 22 – October 2019

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