Funded Research Projects

The successful execution of the research project depends not only on the effort of the researcher but also on the available infrastructure to conduct the research. Research funding is thus needed to meet necessary expenses related to research project implementation.

CCEW faculty thus works on various research projects and have obtained grants for conducting their scientific research from many government organizations such as DST (Department of Science and Technology), Pune University, DRDO (Defence Research and Development Organization), Rajiv Gandhi Science and Technology Commission, Govt of Maharashtra, ISRO (Indian Space Research Organization); as well as from Private organizations such as Ramchandra Dattatray Pratishthan, Pune or IBM Global etc.

Funded Research Projects

Research Initiation Fund scheme for Cummins Faculty
The ‘Research Initiation Fund’ scheme is designed to attract faculty of Cummins College of Engineering for Women, Pune to perform quality research. The scheme aims at promotion of research culture in the institute and strengthen research quality among faculty. It will provide a substantial package to begin a scholarly research work at CCEW. The objective is also to enable the beginning of any research and related activities which will further evolve with significant potential to
attract external funding.

A grant up to Rs. 2 Lakh is awarded to applicant faculty. The duration of the project is 24 months from the date of approval of the project. Based on the requirement and progress, an additional amount up to Rs. 1 Lac may be considered.

A full Time, Approved / Appointed faculty with demonstrated interest / inclination to pursue research activities and have potential to be nurtured as researchers if provided guidance, mentorship and funding; are eligible to apply for this scheme. The faculty should commit to do research and to seek external funding for R & D projects. Faculty members need to apply for Research Initiation Grant, by providing details of the research to be carried out in the prescribed form.

Projects under ‘Research Initiation Fund Scheme’

List of Projects

Research Initiation Policy 

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