The teaching and learning approach at CCEW is centered on promoting student-centric learning processes through the implementation of pedagogies. To achieve this goal, the college established a College Pedagogy Cell in the academic year 2018-19, which focuses on facilitating communication, discussions, debates, research, and cross-disciplinary and interdisciplinary thinking.
Cell Coordinator : Dr. Anand Bewoor [Mech. Engg.]
Cell Members
- Dr. Sharada N. Ohatkar [E&TC Engg.]
- Dr. Ashwini Deshpande [E&TC Engg.]
- Dr. Chhaya Gosavi [Comp. Engg.]
- Dr. Manisha Jail [BSH]
- Dr. Vaishali Upadhye [Instru. Engg.]
- Dr. Radhika Bhagwat [IT]
- Nitin Patil [Mech. Engg.]
- Mahendra Deore [Comp. Engg.]
- Mrunal Moharir [BSH]
Activities of Pedagogy Cell
The pedagogy cell consisting of faculty members from each department is formed to investigate and disseminate the modern trends in engineering education. The members of the cell meet regularly to discuss different pedagogy practices adopted or practiced in various engineering institutes across India and abroad. Different activities conducted by the pedagogy cell increased awareness among the faculty members to enhance teaching learning processes.
The activities include –
- Sessions for faculty to motivate, adopt and follow best pedagogic practices in engineering teaching and learning
- One week FDP on ‘Application of Moodle as LMS ’
- Online FDP on ‘Examination Reforms’
- Four week online FDP on ‘New Pedagogies’
As a result of this the faculty members explored and implemented a Learning Management System(LMS) as well as suitable pedagogy for their courses. They also collected feedback from students to improve the adopted practice.
- As the result of this – Cummins College Digest of Engineering Education(CCDEE) has been started from the year 2020. The digest is serving as a platform to display the methodology and outcomes of pedagogical practices experimented by faculty members. The articles published have motivated the faculty to follow innovative practices.
- The pedagogy cell organized the National Conference on Pedagogy in Higher Education (NCPHE22) on 25 June 2022. The papers from different authors discussed different perspectives on pedagogy practices used in engineering education. Several papers presented in the conference are published in the Scopus indexed journal – Journal of Engineering Education Transformations. (
Pedagogy Cell Activity Report A.Y. 2019-20
Pedagogy Cell Activity Report A.Y. 2020-21
Editorial Members of Cummins College Digest of Engineering Education
Statement of Publication Ethics
Cummins College Digest of Engineering Education Issue 1
ICT Tools links by Instrumentation & Control department
MOODLE and Google Site links Electronics and Telecommunication department
MOODLE and LMS links by Computer Engineering department
Open Educational Resources Links by Electronics and Telecommunication department
Open Educational Resources links by Instrumentation & Control department
Open Educational Resources links by Mechanical Engineering department
Pedagogical practices by Electronics and Telecommunication department
Pedagogical practices by Computer Engineering department
Pedagogical practices by Instrumentation & Control department
National Conference on Pedagogy for Higher Education
Conference Publication
1.Papers published in Scopus indexed journal- Journal of Engineering Education Transformations.
2.Papers published in Google Scholar indexed journal.
Conference photos and participants feedback- Click here