

The Ministry of Education (MoE), Govt. of India has established ‘MoE’s Innovation Cell (MIC) with the aim to systematically foster the culture of Innovation amongst all Higher Education Institutions. The main directive is to encourage, inspire and nurture young students by supporting them to work with new ideas and transform them into prototypes. It encourages the Higher Education Institutes to create ‘Institution’s Innovation Council (IICs)’. The major focus of IIC is based on ideas like –  to create a vibrant local innovation ecosystem, have a start-up supporting mechanism and develop better cognitive ability for the students.

Our college established the Institution Innovation Council in February 2021. The core team includes an eminent scientist, IPR Expert / Practitioner, senior college faculty members and alumni entrepreneurs along with a team of student members. Since its inception, the cell has organized sessions by renowned personalities in the field of Innovation, IPR, Startups and Entrepreneurship. With the help of the IIC, Cummins College 2 students from the 2020 batch – Ms. Shalmali Kadu and Ms. Medha Moorching started their own LLP- ‘Alvara Solutions’.

IIC Objectives

The functions of IIC as stated by MoE include,
➔ To conduct various innovation and entrepreneurship-related activities prescribed by Central MIC in time bound fashion.
➔ Identify and reward innovations and share success stories.
➔ Organize periodic workshops/ seminars/ interactions with entrepreneurs, investors, professionals and create a mentor pool for student innovators.
➔ Network with peers and national entrepreneurship development organizations.
➔ Create an Institution’s Innovation portal to highlight innovative projects carried out by the institution’s faculty and students.
➔ Organize Hackathons, idea competition, mini-challenges etc. with the involvement of industries.
The college IIC team aims at executing the stated functions with a well drafted time plan. It will organize various activities in coordination with eminent personalities from industry, research institutes and higher education institutes.

IIC members



Name of Member Member Type (Teaching/Non teaching/ External Expert) Key Role/position assigned in IIC
1 Dr. Madhuri Khambete Teaching Principal CCEW
2 Dr. Prachi Mukherji Teaching President, IIC
3 Dr. Sneha Thombre Teaching Convener
4 Dr. Swati Madhe Teaching Member
5 Mr. Satish Ranade External Expert commercialisation, Start-up
6 Mr. Shrirang Karandikar External Expert commercialisation, Start-up
7 Dr. Sunita Jahirabadkar Teaching IP Cell
8 Dr. Dipti Patil Teaching Patent Expert
9 Dr. Chhaya Gosavi Teaching Member
10 Dr. Nitin Palan Teaching Member
11 Mr. Raghavendra Ponkshe External Expert Patent Expert
12 Dr. Seema Rajput Teaching Startup
13 Prof. Amit Rajurkar Teaching Internship Coordinator
14 Prof. Nilesh Kolhalkar Teaching NIRF
15 Mrs. Vrushali Deshpande Non-Teaching Social Media Coordinator
16 Dr. Makarand Velankar Teaching Head, Entrepro Pre-Incubation Center (EPIC)
17 Shruti Patil Student Member
18 Swarali Mengale Student Member

IIC activities

1) IIC Activities AY 2020-21
2) IIC Activities AY 2021-22

IIC certificate

IIC Appreciation Letter

Atal Ranking of Institutions on Innovation Achievements (ARIIA) is an initiative of Ministry of Education (MoE), Govt. of India to systematically rank all major higher educational institutions and universities in India on indicators related to “Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development” amongst students and faculties.

The major Indicators for consideration
The assessment of innovation and startup ecosystem in HEIs is based on seven parameters with certain weightages allocated to each parameter.

1) Budget, Expenses to Support & Revenue Generated   (20 Marks).
2) Infrastructures & Facilities to Support Innovations and Start-ups   (10 Marks).

3) Awareness Activities for Promoting Idea Generation and Innovation   (20 Marks).
4) Promotion and Supporting Entrepreneurship Development   (20 Marks).
5) Intellectual Property (IP) Generation, Technology Transfer and Commercialization   (14 Marks).
6) Innovative Learning Methods & Courses   (10 Marks).
7) Innovations in Governance of the Institution   (6 Marks).

Based on these parameters, Cummins College of Engineering for Women, Pune is recognised in the band “PERFORMER” under the category College / Institutes (Private / SElf Financed) (Technical)” in ARIIA – 2021.

The National Innovation and Startup Policy 2019 for students and faculty of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) will enable the institutes to actively engage students, faculties and staff in innovation and entrepreneurship related activities. This framework will also facilitate the Ministry of Education in bringing uniformity across HEIs in terms of Intellectual Property ownership management, technology licensing and institutional Startup policy, thus enabling creation of a robust innovation and Start up ecosystem across all HEIs.

Policy Framing Expert committee

Innovation and Startup Policy of CCEW

National Innovation and Startup Polic2019 (by MoE, GoI)

IP (Intellectual Property) policy of CCEW

Circular Regarding NISP

The information about the startups started by our recent graduates

Start up initiated by Entrepro Pre-Incubation Cente (EPIC) – CCOEW

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